Honor the Veterans! Military Timeline

The event welcomes all American military impressions: Colonial, Native American, Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War, Spanish American War, World War One, World War Two, Korean War, Vietnam, and Gulf War.
Historic vehicles, tents, exhibits, and weapons are welcome.
The Battle will have over 4,000 spectators attending. This is a way for you to build awareness and appreciation for our veterans. In addition, our Friday School Field Trip Day brings in hundreds of students. Arrive early for Friday if you can.
There is no registration fee for the MTL living historians, and you may camp on site. Please mail the registration form below to Battle of Aiken, Box 1863, Aiken SC 29803 or download, scan, & email to battleofaiken@aol.com.

Send registration form to:
Battle of Aiken, P.O. Box 1863, Aiken, SC 29802
or Email: battleofaiken@aol.com