Vendor and Sutler Applications
The Battle of Aiken has had three areas and types of vendors since 1995:
SUTLERS: Sutlers must have an 1861-1865 period tent and must wear 1860-period outfits. They generally sell reproduction authentic civil war goods that soldiers would have purchased during the war. All goods must be historically accurate (No Plastic). No modern items are to be sold. Exceptions allowed are books and civil war art prints. Sutlers are specialized and work living history events across the country.
To be considered for an invitation, first-time
Please download the appropriate form below and submit with photos.
FOOD VENDORS: The Battle generally has up to 15 food trailers. We try to have non duplicating food offerings. Vendors sell on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We generally have 2,000 to 3,000 visitors on Friday; 4,000 to 5,000 on Saturday; and 2,000 to 3,000 on Sunday, depending on the weather. We also have other events during the year where we have vendors.
To be considered for an invitation, first time food vendors should submit a photograph of their food trailer, a detailed menu, and contact information to Battle of Aiken, P.O. Box 1863, Aiken, SC 29802 or email to battleofaiken@aol.com.
Download the appropriate form below and submit with photos.
MODERN VENDORS: The Battle of Aiken has a few 10’ X 10’ spaces that are available to modern vendors. The modern vendors sell merchandise that has some connection to the Civil War and is historical in nature. Ex: Civil War Prints, Books on Civil War history, 1800 Crafts, etc. Often, authors sell their books at the Battle. The difference between modern vendors and sutlers is that sutlers bring large 1860-era canvas tents, dress in 1860 outfits, and set up in a different area. Modern vendors bring pop-up tents and folding tables and wear modern clothes. Download the appropriate form below and submit it with photos.
Sutlers, Food Vendors, and Modern Vendors who have participated in previous Battle of Aiken and have been approved by the committee for the upcoming event, will be mailed invitations and contracts.
New Sutlers, Food Vendors, and Modern Vendors who have not been to the Battle event before, need to download the appropriate form below and send as soon as possible for invitation consideration by our vendor committee. We often have other events that you may be considered for.